in Legal Job Market Reports

Legal Job Market Report September 5th 2012

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Good morning and welcome to the September edition of the Legal Job Market Report from the Ten-Percent Recruitment Group. Our websites include Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment, Crime Solicitor Recruitment, Interim Lawyers, Legal-Recruitment and many more.

Our September edition of Legal Recruitment News can be found at

The market report for August is brief. We have been extremely busy on the locum front, both for member firms and clients using our Interim Lawyer service.  The Olympics hit the permanent trade, along with annual leave, poor weather and adverse news reports (yet again!).  Redundancies are still occurring but not in any great number and tend to affect mid level solicitors earning around £40-50k in high street practices.

At the same time though, we have had a string of locum conveyancing posts in, some from firms with fee earners taking annual leave or needing time off, but more interestingly from firms who are extremely busy on the property side of things. As most of the economy seems to feed off the housing market, this is surely a positive sign for things to come?

Our £3,600 for 5 years unlimited recruitment service is still going strong and we are gradually drawing closer to our 100th member law firm. Cost savings to our 60+ firms are already estimated to be around £225,000. Over 60% of members undertake LSC funded work in some capacity and 33% have less than 2 partners. The service is restricted to firms with less than 100 staff.

In August 2012 we had 68 new solicitors register with us, together with just short of 900 paralegals and non-qualified staff (in response to specific law firm member vacancies). We restrict our candidate database to ensure we only register qualified or suitably experienced staff.  

Jonathan Fagan

Jonathan Fagan LLM FIRP is Managing Director of Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment. He has been recruiting solicitors and legal support staff for law firms and in house legal departments for over 20 years and handles roles from junior fee earners through to partners and law firm sales/purchases. A non-practising solicitor on the Roll since 2000, he is also the author of a number of legal career books, which are available at You can contact Jonathan at