Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

Our Fees

As a legal recruitment agency our fees are transparent and we offer a variety of recruitment solutions.

Permanent Recruitment18% fees based on the first year salary or package. Pay monthly over 12 months with a 12 month rebate period.Register a Vacancyhttps://ten-percent.co.uk/vacancy-registration/
Locum Recruitment18% fees invoiced monthly.Register an Assignment
Headhunting Services£2,000 + VAT fee per vacancy, paid in advance. 18% fee paid on successful placement.Contact Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment
Retained Consultancy ServicesQuotation on request. Contact Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment

Permanent Recruitment

18% fees based on the first year salary or package paid to the candidate. Pay monthly over 12 months with a 12 month rebate period. We think this rebate & payment option is unique in the UK recruitment industry. Click here to register a vacancy.

Locum Recruitment

18% fees invoiced monthly – this includes consultancy arrangements for ongoing ad hoc work. Click here to register an assignment.


Pay from £2,000 + VAT per vacancy. We will work on a target list and provide you with options. Once you have approved our list we will approach the candidates to pitch your vacancy to them. This option is bespoke and tailored to your campaign. It is provided entirely at our discretion and we will decline to work a vacancy we lack sufficient detail about or where the proposed package is unrealistic or not marketable to candidates. Contact us to discuss your vacancy in the first instance. Prices start at £2,000 per vacancy and we agree the scope of our work at the outset, with additional costs to be agreed as required.

Retained Consultancy Services

Instruct us as a sole supplier. We can pre-interview candidates, run an assessment exercise, commission your advertising, handle all enquiries, prepare and sift through application forms and negotiate any offers. Quotations available on request – contact us for details.

Other Ten Percent Group Services

Law Firm Sales

We charge a fixed fee, agreed in advance, to the buyer of a law firm. Sellers can use our premium services. Buyer fees vary according to the size of a firm and the anticipated complexity of the sale. Information and sale lists are available on our sister site, www.jonathanfagan.co.uk

Unlimited Legal Recruitment

For a fixed monthly price, you can recruit as many solicitors as you require. 5 year terms available. Details can be found at www.tenpercentunlimited.co.uk.

Agency Fees – Comparison

How do we compare with other agencies? Read an article on fees charged by legal recruitment consultants in the UK here:

Most employment agencies will not publish their fee structure and are usually reluctant to release the information generally. We understand that the Venn Group charge 30% fees for locum assignments and we imagine a lot of the other larger sized companies are at a similar level. Randstad charge 25% for placements over £40,000 salary. Generally we think the larger agencies tend to be around 25% and upwards for all aspects of recruitment, with the smaller recruiters offering anything from 25% down to 20%. Whether or not a recruitment agency will be successful in finding staff is another matter entirely…

Why are you called Ten Percent?

Having read the above you may be wondering, quite rightly, why we are called Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment if we charge 18% fees generally. Good question! We are called Ten Percent because we donate 10% of our profits to charity every year. Further details can be found at www.ten-percent.co.uk/charitable-trust.

Terms and Conditions

To request a copy of our terms and conditions for each option please email cv@ten-percent.co.uk

Register a Vacancy – click here | Contact Us – click here