in Employers

Law Firm Members Newsletter

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Good afternoon and welcome to the first newsletter from Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment for members of our new (not so new now!) £60 legal recruitment service. It has been a very busy end to the year and we now have a large number of firms signed up to use our £60 legal recruitment service. This newsletter contains information regarding new features we now offer and a request for feedback on the service and details on candidates taken from us so far.

New Features (no extra charge):
1. Email/web link from your website to us (optional)
2. Link from Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment to your firm (automatic)
3. Your own recruitment page on (optional)

Further information on these is below.

Please keep us updated with your recruitment requirements. If you fill a vacancy, let us know. Please also update us with any new requirements you may have. Similarly if you do not get much response to vacancies, keep in touch with us so we know you are still looking.

NB: For the large number of firms who were looking for a family supervisor before December 5th – if you are still looking and have extended your deadline to 20th December, please let us know. There appear to be a few supervisors still out there and looking on a consultancy basis….

If you have not been in touch with us during the last week or so, drop us a quick email over to confirm your current requirements so that we can ensure we have these noted, ready for the next recruitment season in January 2012. The market tends to disappear just before Christmas as everyone has better things to do!

Feedback Request
If you have any comments on the service so far, positive or negative, please let us know. We started the £60 per month service from scratch in July 2011 and we know that there are areas in which we can improve the service and our performance. If you have any words of praise please let us know if we have your permission to publish these on our website when you send them through. We are very interested to know whether you would recommend the service to others, and if not, why not.

Chancery Lane Legal Job Board
Not many member firms have made use of this yet. You can access the candidate database on this site and job posting at no cost as part of your membership of Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment. The CVs are full with contact details. From time to time we unearth hidden candidates through searching this bank of CVs. Please check your membership guide for details on using Chancery Lane.

We post all the vacancies you send through to us automatically onto Chancery Lane, but similarly you can post jobs yourself directly if preferred.

If you need any assistance using the job board, please let us know.

New Features ( no extra charges):

1. Email/web link from your website to
If you would like us to handle your careers enquiries, speculative job applications, work experience requests, please include a link on your careers page to our site – we can provide the coding. We can arrange for a link to be placed on your website to either divert straight to a holding page on our site with application forms and registration, or alternatively a simple email link. This may be of particular interest to smaller firms who do not have a HR department. The service will take away all email and web enquiries from job seekers and filter them via ourselves. It can also make you look larger.

If you maintain a Preferred Supplier List on your site, please consider including us (after all we are your preferred recruitment suppliers I hope!).

2. Link to your website from
If you do not want a link from our website to your website, please let us know. We will include one automatically very shortly for all members on our client pages. The main advantage to you is the search engine ranking our site passes onto you. For many years we enjoyed a Google Page Ranking of 4, although following our website upgrade last year this dropped to 3. Other sister sites in the Ten-Percent group have page rankings of 4 and 5. This is of great benefit in getting your site noticed on the organic search engine lists.

3. Your own recruitment and profile page on
We will build you a page on our site, outlining your firm, your ethos, a bit about the work you do and anything of interest to job seekers. This will then contain an email address for candidates to send in confidential enquiries to you via ourselves as well as a link to your website. Please let us know if you want to take this service up.

I hope to keep in touch in future months with lists of new candidates added to the database, together with candidates looking speculatively for roles across the UK. Any new candidates will automatically have your vacancies run past them if they fit the job spec.

With best wishes for the Christmas season and a happy, prosperous New Year.


Jonathan Fagan

T: 01352 810850
F: 01352 810554

Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment – recruiting for the legal profession since 2000, donating 10% of profits to charity. Visit our website for details of our integrated recruitment service for law firms and in house departments, our Vacancy Database, our Legal Careers Forum and our Legal Careers Shop.

Head Office:
Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment
Village Road

London Office:
Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment
2nd Floor
145-157 St John Street

Tel: 0207 127 4343 Limited, registered in England and Wales, reg. no.3985515. Registered under the Data Protection Act.

Jonathan Fagan

Jonathan Fagan LLM FIRP is Managing Director of Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment. He has been recruiting solicitors and legal support staff for law firms and in house legal departments for over 20 years and handles roles from junior fee earners through to partners and law firm sales/purchases. A non-practising solicitor on the Roll since 2000, he is also the author of a number of legal career books, which are available at You can contact Jonathan at