Overseas lawyers have over the last 4-5 years or so found it easier to source work in the UK. We do not intend to discuss the issue of work permits etc.. as there are plenty of sites with excellent advice available on them already. With the increase in bulk conveyancing, telephone advice services, local authority sick leave absences and smaller practices looking to reduce their overheads, overseas lawyers are becoming fairly popular for firms.
This is not necessarily a good thing for overseas lawyers! Firstly we find a lot get stuck in a rut and unable to move across into private practice from government temporary posts for example. Alternatively the money on offer is often so poor that they then find it hard to move on into better paid positions.
It is often a question of luck – being in the right place at the right time that results in a quality position becoming available immediately.
Further in depth advice can be found at www.legalrecruitment.blogspot.com and www.legal-recruitment.co.uk