This question requires you to understand the structure of your last company from top to bottom and give a short succinct answer outlining how you fitted within it. Do not try to build yourself into something you are clearly not. This is not what the question requires. The interviewer is simply asking you to outline the structure so he can gain an understanding of the level of your seniority for responsibility.
Examples of Answers
“As regional manager I reported at all levels. There are six directors and one group manager who sits on the board. Below this are five regional managers, each with a team of ten lower level managers responsible for the various departments. Each of the lower managers has ten department heads who each have an assistant working with them. Below that level is the workforce.”
“I work as a crew member, reporting to a team leader who in turn reports back to a store manager. Above the store manager is a group manager who is responsible for a number of stores, usually four or five. Obviously my role does not require me to have many dealings with anyone beyond this level but I understand the group managers report to regional managers who in turn are responsible to the Board of Directors at Head Office in Middlesex.”