Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

leaving job
in Careers Advice, CV Writing, Interviews, Job Applications

Should I tell a potential employer why I am leaving my current employer?

Should I tell a potential employer why I am leaving my current employer?
In most cases, the answer to this is no, absolutely not. This is because the overwhelming number of people leaving employers is due to either a personality clash, a perception that they are poorly paid and can get better money elsewhere. or unpleasant working conditions.

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question 34 – Describe your strongest and weakest colleagues – how do you cope with such diverse personalities?

Advice This is a difficult question because it is asking you to in some way criticise work colleagues and to perhaps idolise other work colleagues. This is a question potentially loaded towards the interviewer as opposed to the interviewee. At its rawest form you could end up giving an answer that indicates to the interview…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question and Answer – describe a time that you failed to sell an idea that you knew was the right one.

Advice This is a negative question and one that wherever possible should be avoided. It does not matter how you answer the question, the answer you give will have to result in you providing the interviewer with evidence of a negative point. Wit this in mind it is worth trying to avoid answering the question…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answer – Describe a time when you failed to engage at the right level in your organisation. Why did you do that and how did you handle the situation?

Advice This is a competency based interview question which again if you do not practice interview questions it is very unlikely you would be able to think of an answer on the spur of the moment. This needs to be one of the selection of scenarios you have stored in your head ready to use…

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