Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Are you hoping for specialisation in a particular field. If so, why?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a loaded question and one you need to be very careful about answering.  If you are applying for a junior post, for example a training contract with a solicitors’ firm, you really should not be giving any indication at this stage of an interest to specialise in.  You simply do not know…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Are you considering any other positions at the moment?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question really depends on the circumstances of the interview. If you have been headhunted, are currently in employment and not particularly looking until you were approached then it would be perfectly acceptable to give a straightforward answer. If not, you need to consider your response very carefully. If you give an affirmative answer…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Are you Aggressive?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAdvice This is almost a challenge and is again one of those interview questions that can really only be considered in a negative fashion.  There are obviously jobs where aggression is considered to a certain extent as a positive at certain levels, but this question really is one to determine negative and not positive issues. …

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Interviews, Job Applications

Matching Current Salary with a Job Offer – a good idea?

Reading Time: 2 minutesMaking a Job Offer and matching current salary – a good idea? A candidate looks to make a move and we send them over details of vacancies. The candidate applies for a vacancy and we send a CV across to a firm, indicating current salary levels. We go through the recruitment process – interview, discussions,…

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in Changing Jobs, Interviews, Newly Qualified Solicitors, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

An interview with Jonathan Fagan, Solicitor, Legal Recruitment Consultant and Career Coach

Reading Time: 4 minutesQ          Why do you offer career coaching to lawyers and law students? Good question!  Together with 3 other lawyers I set up Ten Percent Legal Recruitment back in April 2000. Within a few months we were being bombarded with CVs from law students and graduates desperate for training contracts and work experience.  We obviously could…

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in Interviews, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

How Do Training Contract Interviews Vary when with Partners or HR Managers

Reading Time: 2 minutesI was asked yesterday about the likely interview style and questions to be thrown at someone from a city law firm during a pre-selection day interview. This was to be with the HR Manager of the firm and would last for about 30 minutes. Does it matter who takes a legal job interview and is…

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in Employers, Interviews, Job Applications

Taking Up References

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe decision to give references is sometimes quite complicated. Firms have requested references before second interviews, including requests to speak to current employers (!) and colleagues. Alternatively some firms ask for references prior to first interview. Others have waited until a solicitor has commenced work and two weeks later asked for a reference. Two incidents…

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in Changing Jobs, Interviews

Job Offers – how to decide

Reading Time: 3 minutesA recent dilemna arose for a solicitor looking to take a fairly senior post in the North of England. He had two offers, as well as an additional firm interested. One firm were very friendly, a reasonable size, good working conditions, excellent career prospects from the outset including possible partnership. Their location was not the…

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in Employers, Interviews

Technical Questions in a Legal Job Interview

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs recruitment consultants, we are not sure that this is good practice. In fact I would recommend avoiding confronting candidates head on with technical questions. Firstly, at an interview a candidate is nervous and slightly wary, secondly partners of law firms are notorious for asking questions that no-one on the interview panel knows or understands,…

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in Interviews

What to Wear for an Interview

Reading Time: 2 minutesI have conducted career coaching sessions for a number of years for law students and lawyers, and once someone come to see me to ask what they needed to wear for a legal job interview. It almost seemed like the primary reason she had travelled over 200 miles to see me, and I am not…

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