Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answers – Describe a situation where you worked as part of a team.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a completely open question and one that everyone attending an interview should have a stock answer ready to use. Team questions are almost always best answered using a work environment and anyone who has worked in any capacity is able to give a situation or example. If you have not yet worked…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answer 28 – Describe a situation where you are asked to do something you had never attempted previously.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a competency based interview question and should be one that you are able to put forward a positive strength and experience that relate specifically to the post you are applying for. so for example if one of the requirements of the post you are going for is that you have experience handling…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answer 27 – Describe a situation where you had to change your approach half way through a project or task following new input into the project.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice Another particularly difficult competency based question which will almost inevitably result in you needing to have an example in your head before you go into the interview that you are able to use. Without having something pre-prepared it is almost impossible to think about something that quickly when asked these types of questions, which…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question and Answer – Describe a situation where you had a disagreement or an argument with a superior – how did you handle it?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice A very difficult question indeed. Firstly because if you have ever had a disagreement with your superior it clearly indicates that you are someone who maybe a little awkward at work. Not only that but you are introducing a negative into the interview process which is not recommended. However if you don’t answer the…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question: Describe a situation in which you have led a team.

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe have recently reintroduced our popular CV review service. We review CVs free of charge if you consent to us posting your CV and our comments live onto the website as a blog article (we remove your contact details of course). You can also pay for the service – details here: https://ten-percent.co.uk/cv-advice-and-reviews/ You can also…

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asking for more, human nature
in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, Employers, Interviews, Job Applications

Negotiating for the sake of negotiating – the risks of haggling on salary during the job offer process

Reading Time: 3 minutesA couple of job offers recently have ended up in a stalemate situation between the employers and the employees. The employees have asked for a higher salary and the employers have taken umbrage at the fact the employees have asked the question. Here are our top 10 pieces of advice when considering negotiating on salary…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – are you satisfied with your academic achievements to date?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question is often asked where an interviewer has identified that you have a specific weak point on your CV, for example you have a low grade at A Level or have a Third Class Degree. The question is designed to pick you up on whether you respond negatively or positively to this question.…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question & Answer – are you prepared to relocate?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice A fairly straight forward question in most circumstances as it is easy to give a fairly noncommittal response. Very often the question is asked of people who live in different areas to the company they have applied to or alternatively live a fair distance from the company but still potentially commutable in the short…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question & Answer – Describe a Situation when you had a communicate a message..

Reading Time: 2 minutesQuestion 21 – Describe a situation when you had to communicate a message to someone knowing that you were right and they were wrong and reluctant to accept your point of view. Advice This type of competency based interview question is more difficult because you need to think of a situation when there has been…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – describe a situation in which you were a member of a team – what did you do to positively contribute to it?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is the classic competency based interview question that gets asked time and time again in some form or another. It does not matter who you are and what your circumstances, there must have always been a time when you were a member of a team and you are able to give this information…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – describe a situation in which you influenced or motivated people.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is another relatively easy question because if you have prepared your approach to interview effectively you should have a number of examples that will cover this question already stored in your mind. It is a good time to get over the point that you are a team player who contributes effectively to a…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview and Answer – describe a situation in which you have led a team.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a relatively easy question, mainly because the question is so short and gives you plenty of scope in terms of material and circumstances. It is likely that just about everybody can answer this question, whether through an example from work, an example from a sporting activity or personal interest or from their…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Describe a Situation in which you dealt with confrontation, for example a difficult customer?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is an answer that most people can probably conjure up from somewhere as most of the workforce will have dealt with difficult customers. Everyone has had to deal with some sort of confrontation in their lives, whether in a sporting, academic or work environment. Try to think of a work-based example as these…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Describe a project where you needed to involve input from other departments – how did you identify that need and how did you ensure buy-in from the appropriate leaders and managers?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a STAR competency based interview question. STAR stands for “Situation, Task, Action and Result” and this particular question is a strong example of where using this technique is so effective. Firstly it is probably almost impossible to answer this type of question without having thought about it before attending the interview. It…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – describe a project or situation where you took a project to completion despite important opposition.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This type of question is competency based and involves using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Manna from heaven for any Six Sigma practitioners or business change managers. For everyone else it is a very difficult question indeed as the majority of professionals do not spend their working lives dealing with conflict in…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – demonstrate an understanding of organisational issues

Reading Time: < 1 minuteDemonstrate an understanding of underlying organisational issues. AdviceA very difficult question if you are not used to dealing with managerial speak! This is a question involving the STAR technique of firstly identifying the situation, secondly identifying a specific task, thirdly identifying your action as part of that task and finally confirming what the result was.…

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Job Interview
in Careers Advice, Employers, In House, Interviews, Legal Profession

What to Expect From an In-House Legal Counsel Job Interview

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe first thing to say in relation to interviews for in-house roles is to expect the unexpected, because every company is governed by its HR department. If you have never worked in house before you will find that some HR departments seem to govern just about everything and come up with the most complex recruitment…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Demonstrate how you vary your communication approach according to the audience that you are addressing?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question is probably more relevant to some professions and posts than others but in essence the answer has to be the same. You need to have at least 3 different examples of different types of audience you have had to speak to. For example a useful selection would be probably the workforce, the…

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Recruitment Consultant working really hard
in Careers Advice, Interviews, Legal Profession

What is the job of a Recruitment Consultant? The Day to Day Reality

Reading Time: 3 minutesA recruitment consultant is, at base level, someone who a potential employer consults to go through the process of recruitment a new employee or member of staff. A recruitment consultant will assist the employer, source, select and employ the right member of staff and in doing so, receives a fee. Over 99% of all recruitment…

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Direct contact from Employer - what to do?
in Careers Advice, Interviews

Should I tell my recruitment consultant if an employer I have interviewed with contacts me directly?

Reading Time: 2 minutesYou probably expect that an author of such an article on a subject like this with close links to the recruitment industry would give an answer to say ‘yes of course you should’, but it does really depend on the circumstances. There are of course a lot of honourable and decent people in the world…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Can you give me evidence that you set yourself high personal standards?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a particular type of question where you need to have a number of examples of work you have undertaken in the past or present that can be tailored according to the question asked.  You need to think of specific examples where potentially you have completed a task well. However because this was…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Can you act on your own initiative

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAdvice Although this is a closed question with potentially a simple yes or no answer, it does give you the opportunity to get over to the interviewer how you are quite comfortable working on your own and to demonstrate specific examples of times you have perhaps introduced new methods of working or increased sales through…

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Don't reject candidates before you get an acceptance
in Careers Advice, Employers, Interviews

Don’t tell candidates they have been rejected until you are absolutely sure that you don’t want them.

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe recently had an instance where a solicitors firm interviewed three or four different solicitors for a role, which was relatively well paid and required a particular level of expertise. The partners saw four candidates at interview and made a decision after the interviews to recruit one of these. They immediately emailed the unsuccessful candidates…

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is your boss a psychopath?
in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, Interviews, Staying in Your Job

Never accept a counter offer from your current employer after you hand in your notice

Reading Time: 3 minutesRecruitment rule 223: Never, ever return to an employer you have just told that you will be leaving. Here’s the scenario; you get despondent at work and decide to look around for a new job. A firm offer you a role after you have attended interviews, you like the look of the new company, they…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Describe a project or situation where you had to use different leadership styles to reach your goal?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a question involving the STAR technique and another example of a question where you need to have specific projects and incidents stored in your brain ready to be adapted to answer these questions. The author of this article thinks that this approach to interviewing is not particularly good or effective.  The technique…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – describe a company you think is doing well or badly and explain why you think this is so?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice Preferably you will have been asked this question with just the well as opposed to the badly bit as it is a general rule in interviews that wherever possible you try to avoid any negative comment or thought about anything. It does make a difference to the perception of the interviewer if you focus…

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