Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

Decision for NQ Solicitors
in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, Job Applications, Legal Profession, Newly Qualified Solicitors, Staying in Your Job

Should I leave when I qualify? The dilemna for Newly Qualified – 1 year PQE Solicitors

Reading Time: 4 minutesShould I Stay or Should I Go? In April every year we are regularly contacted by newly qualified and 1 year PQE (post-qualification experience) solicitors who ask the following questions: 1. Should I stay with my training law firm for at least 2 years when I qualify? 2. How much should I get paid? 3.…

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in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, Job Applications, Legal Profession, Relocation

In House Legal – is the grass greener on the other side?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteFor our full advice on in house legal jobs and moving in house from private practice (and vice versa) please visit our In House page by clicking https://ten-percent.co.uk/in-house-lawyers/ The advice sheet includes the following: How easy is it to move from a solicitors’ firm to an in house legal department? Can anyone do it? Is…

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human rights lawyers non-existent
in Careers Advice, Job Applications, Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Human Rights Lawyers – do they exist?

Reading Time: 6 minutesWhen I grow up I want to be a human rights lawyer (and marry George Clooney) We’ve been meaning to write this article for ages and I was only jogged into action by a long train journey and a recent spate of enquiries! So many teenagers and young adults have the idea that they want…

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in Careers Advice, Legal Profession

Commercial Law – future fields of law that may be of interest

Reading Time: 2 minutesA law graduate (and businessman) has recently been in touch to ask the following question: “What areas of law will be busy over the next 5-20 years in the light of trends such as Alternative Business Structures, Artificial Intelligence, etc.?” The following advice is probably about as accurate as a prediction from a clairvoyant, but…

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in Careers Advice, Legal Profession

Crime Solicitor Contract – extracts relevant to Duty Solicitors and Supervisors

Reading Time: 13 minutesThe LAA have very kindly published the 2017 Standard Crime Contract on the internet, which means it is possible to see exactly what the specifications are for the employed status of duty solicitors and also any restrictions on crime supervisors. Please see the extract in bold regarding ghost duty solicitors and also the new requirements…

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Legal Profession

Good Work Life Balance and the Legal Profession

Reading Time: 2 minutesGood Work/Life Balances and the Legal Profession – are they compatible? I recently noticed an article online by one of our competitors (Douglas Scott) about work/life balances in the legal profession and how average hours worked have dropped dramatically since 2014. There is talk of agile working conditions, hot desks, plus Magic Circle firm Clifford…

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in Careers Advice, Job Applications, Legal Profession

Locum Dilemna – Firm have cancelled an assignment at short notice – what do I do?

Reading Time: 2 minutesLocum Dilemna – what do I do if a firm cancels an assignment at short notice? For a full detailed list of FAQs on locums and a guide on how to be an successful locum please visit www.interimlawyers.co.uk “Hi Jonathan. I was booked back in February for a conveyancing role to last for a week…

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Legal Profession

Bad Locums – avoiding them and bad law firms

Reading Time: 3 minutesLocums – avoiding bad firms and bad locums Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment handles both permanent and locum vacancies. We assist with locum assignments via our website www.interimlawyers.co.uk. Every locum we arrange work for is checked out and we get proof of ID, proof of residence, copies of practising certificates and attempt to get two references on…

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in Employers, Legal Profession, News

Legal Recruitment Firm fakes its own staff

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAgency accused of inventing staff A legal recruitment agency, Dawn Ellmore Employment (never heard of them) has been caught by RollonFriday.com inventing staff – full report at http://www.rollonfriday.com/TheNews/EuropeNews/tabid/58/Id/4434/fromTab/36/currentIndex/0/Default.aspx This has attracted lots of comments from disgruntled lawyers about agencies faking their identities, making up staff and qualifications and pretending that they are much bigger than…

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in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, Legal Profession

Practice Managers in Solicitors Firms – who are they and how do you get a job as one?

Reading Time: 3 minutesPractice Managers in a solicitor’s firm – who are they and how do you get a job as one? Practice Managers are usually the most senior administrative member of staff in a solicitors’ firm or company. In a lot of firms they are expected to have a considerable and varied amount of experience with tasks…

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Job Applications, Legal Profession

What do Umbrella Companies do and is there any point a solicitor using one to do locum work?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat do umbrella companies do and is there any point using one to do locum work? We have been working with locums in the legal profession for over 10 years now and it seems to be a fairly recent phenomenon that a very small minority of our locums and other locums we’ve come across employ…

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in Careers Advice, Changing Jobs, CV Writing, Job Applications, Legal Profession, Relocation

Returning to work after a break – steps to improve your CV, prospects and chances of success

Reading Time: 3 minutesVery recently, a candidate got in touch about a vacancy, explaining quite apologetically that she was returning to work after a break and could she be considered for the post. As a recruiter, I have to be honest and say that whenever anybody tells me they are returning to work I almost involuntarily sigh because…

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Legal Profession, Newly Qualified Solicitors, Salary Reviews

Salary Myths and the Legal Profession

Reading Time: 2 minutesSalary Myths and the Legal Profession The legal profession is plagued by salary myths. How many times have high street solicitors been speaking to acquaintances and informed that as they are a solicitor they must be earning loads of money, at least 6 figures? How many law students still start their degree course thinking that…

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in Careers Advice, Legal Profession

New Locum Guide Available

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHow to be a Locum – new .pdf guide We have produced a new free guide on how to be a locum. This includes sections on getting work, realistic expectations, hourly rates, popular fields of law, payment, insurance, umbrella companies and much more. You can get additional information from the www.interimlawyers.co.uk FAQ section for both…

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in Careers Advice, Employers, Job Applications, Legal Profession

Mothers Returning to Work in the Legal Profession – A Missed Opportunity?

Reading Time: 3 minutesMothers returning to work – a missed opportunity? The legal profession very often lags behind other sectors for recruitment practices and HR trends. Firms have tended to be inflexible about hours, reluctant to recruit part time staff and hesitant to offer alternatives to salary increases. It is not surprising therefore that parents returning to work…

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in Legal Profession

Locum Hourly Rates – March 4th 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutesHourly Rates of Pay for Locum Solicitors and Legal Executives  – March 4th 2015 update Locum hourly rate payment varies widely according to the demand, length of assignment, level of experience and advance notice available. Hourly rates go up during the summer (June-September). NB: These rates are intended as a guide only. Hourly rates can…

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