Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

in Employers, Job Applications, Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

What is the difference between a Paralegal and a Fee Earner in a Solicitors firm?

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis week an LPC graduate applied for a Conveyancing Fee Earner role in Central London through us (Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment). Before every other LPC graduate sends us their CV I should add that this candidate has over 12 months residential conveyancing experience in a solicitors firm already, which is why she is an extremely suitable…

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in Employers, Job Applications, Legal Profession

Rogue Recruitment Agencies and Phantom Jobs

Reading Time: 3 minutesPhantom Jobs and Rogue Recruitment Agencies Very recently the Law Society Gazette published an article online about phantom recruitment agents and jobs. The complaint appeared to be that candidates were attending interviews and then not hearing anything back afterwards. Another complaint appeared to be that recruitment agents were not responding to job applications with feedback.…

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in Employers, Legal Profession, Staying in Your Job

Becoming a Legal Expert in 10,000 Hours – is it really achievable?

Reading Time: 2 minutes10,000 Hours Theory – can it work? At the moment there is a journalist who is trying out the above theory – is it possible to put in 10,000 hours and turn into an expert? – article is on the BBC website – here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26384712. The journalist has given up the day job and taken…

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in Changing Jobs, Legal Profession, Staying in Your Job

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Updated Advice to Criminal Duty Solicitors

Reading Time: 6 minutesShould I stay or should I go? Crime Job Market Report I hope this article assists crime solicitors and does not depress anyone too much. It is a reflection of the harsh reality of crime regardless of the latest government interference in funding. Each time we get close to new contract deadlines or the next…

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in Changing Jobs, Employers, Legal Profession

How much money can you earn as a freelancer, locum or consultant in law?

Reading Time: 3 minutesHow much money can you earn as a consultant, freelancer or locum solicitor? We regularly get contacted by solicitors wanting to know how much can be made from working as a freelancer (if in crime), a consultant (if family or litigation) or a locum (if non-contentious). These include sole practitioners, senior solicitors looking to enjoy…

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in Legal Profession

Rogue Law Firms – a personal experience

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Law Society have recently released an article based on a Freedom of Information request by Ed Austin. http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/5039197.article?utm_source=dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GAZ161213. This indicates that every practising solicitor has contributed just under £100 to pay compensation to former Wolstenholmes clients who have suffered loss as a result of the firm’s dodgy dealings. Just after the recession kicked in…

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in Job Applications, Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Elocution – essential for Northern England graduates looking to work in the South?

Reading Time: 2 minutesElocution Lessons – a vital part of a move from the North to London? There has recently been a flurry of articles and comments in the media about the legal profession being traditional, conservative and middle class with a bias against anyone not conforming with the norm. This includes those with strong regional accents applying…

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in Legal Profession

Conveyancing – Booming or Busting – A Potted History

Reading Time: 3 minutesResidential Conveyancing jobs have been the number one area of law where Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment have successfully assisted law firms, solicitors, legal executives and licensed conveyancers for over 13 years. When we first set up Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment, back in April 2000, over 50% of our vacancies were from solicitors firms looking to take on…

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in Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Which University is the best for studying for a law degree?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat University should I go to in order to study Law? This is a question we are often, or “What is the best university to study law at” or “which Universities do commercial law firms consider to be the best?” or “Are there any universities that law firms will not take applications from”. The answer…

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in Legal Profession, Relocation

How to Convert Australian degrees into UK degrees and vice versa

Reading Time: 2 minutesConverting Australian degree grades into UK degree grades and vice versa. Converting UK degree classifications into Australian degrees and vice versa is not straightforward. Firstly Australian degrees are not split into 2.1 or upper second class degrees and 2.2 or lower second class degree levels. Australian students and graduates tend to be quite surprised when…

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in Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Areas of Law to avoid getting work experience or a training contract in unless you are a sado-masochist

Reading Time: 5 minutesAreas of Law to Avoid unless you are a sado-masochist The title of this article speaks for itself.  These are the areas of law  to avoid getting work experience in, finding paralegal work or applying for training contracts in 2013. Crime LSC funded Immigration Personal injury LSC funded Family Law Social Welfare and Mental Health.…

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in Legal Profession

What are Magic Circle law firms?

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat and Who are Magic Circle Law Firms? The Magic Circle law firms are all based in London, all massive global operations, and employ well over 5,000 solicitors between them. The firms are:  Allen & Overy  Clifford Chance  Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer  Linklaters  Slaughter and May These firms have a combined turnover of well over £4…

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in Legal Profession, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

What is the difference between contentious and non-contentious legal work?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteQ: What is the difference between contentious and non-contentious legal work? A: Contentious legal work relates to legal matters that take place between two or more parties, such as a court hearing or a tribunal hearing to resolve a dispute. Non-contentious legal work relates to transactions occuring between one or more parties, such as the…

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in CV Writing, Legal Profession, Relocation

Conversion Table for US GPA to UK class degrees

Reading Time: < 1 minuteUS Degree Classifications versus UK Degree Classifications Converting overseas degree classifications on CVs to the local equivalent is vital, particularly in the UK. Table for converting US degree classifications into UK degree classes. This is very important for US graduates wanting to work or train in the UK to try and use the UK equivalent…

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in Changing Jobs, Legal Profession, Staying in Your Job, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

How to Dramatically Improve your Legal Career Prospects

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis article is divided into three sections. The first is for law students, the second is for graduates and the third is for qualified lawyers, solicitors and legal staff. How do I Dramatically Improve my Legal Career Prospects? We often get asked this question and people are often expecting an easy answer. It depends on…

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in Legal Profession, Staying in Your Job

Can you be a millionaire or very rich and work as a solicitor?

Reading Time: 2 minutesI have recently been reading a load of books on investment, personal wealth management and similar titles, and have discovered that there are a lot of different strategies for creating your own financial stability. All the advice appears to point to either having a job or business on the side, or to conduct investment at…

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in Legal Profession

What does a Conveyancing Solicitor do?

Reading Time: 2 minutesConveyancing is usually divided into two areas of work in a high street setting – firstly there is residential conveyancing, and secondly there is commercial conveyancing. The difference is exactly that – one is houses for individuals or investors, the other is offices and premises for business or commercial interests. On the whole, high street…

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in Legal Profession

What does a Family Solicitor do?

Reading Time: 2 minutesFamily law tends to be concentrated at the high street end of the legal profession, with the majority of family lawyers dealing with matters for both private or Legal Services Commission-funded (legal aid) clients, where there is probably one large asset (a house), a couple of children, and warring parents. Family law is divided up…

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