Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

in Employers

Law Firm Members Newsletter

Reading Time: 4 minutesGood afternoon and welcome to the first newsletter from Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment for members of our new (not so new now!) £60 legal recruitment service. It has been a very busy end to the year and we now have a large number of firms signed up to use our £60 legal recruitment service. This newsletter…

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in Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Should I do the Legal Practice Course part-time or full-time?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteGood question. This really depends on your career plans.  Our advice is always to get the Legal Practice Course over and done with as quickly as possible if you can afford to. Completing the Legal Practice Course LPC part-time or by distance learning is only really relevant if you have to work whilst you are…

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in Careers Advice, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Where should I do my Legal Practice Course?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteEvery year we get asked this question by lots of different students wondering whether they should go to the College of Law or complete their LPC (Legal Practice Course) with another provider.  We think that unless you have an outstanding academic background and it is looking as if you will be heading for a large…

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in Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

Dear Ten-Percent, I want to get on in law. Can you help me? From a Law Student

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis is a very common email and telephone call to our offices. Firstly, if you are sending emails to legal recruitment agencies asking for advice and assistance you may be surprised to find out that most of them will not respond to you. Legal recruitment agencies have much better things to do than reply to…

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in Changing Jobs, Interviews, Newly Qualified Solicitors, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

An interview with Jonathan Fagan, Solicitor, Legal Recruitment Consultant and Career Coach

Reading Time: 4 minutesQ          Why do you offer career coaching to lawyers and law students? Good question!  Together with 3 other lawyers I set up Ten Percent Legal Recruitment back in April 2000. Within a few months we were being bombarded with CVs from law students and graduates desperate for training contracts and work experience.  We obviously could…

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in Interviews, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

How Do Training Contract Interviews Vary when with Partners or HR Managers

Reading Time: 2 minutesI was asked yesterday about the likely interview style and questions to be thrown at someone from a city law firm during a pre-selection day interview. This was to be with the HR Manager of the firm and would last for about 30 minutes. Does it matter who takes a legal job interview and is…

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in Careers Advice, Training Contracts, Pupillage and Work Experience

How to Improve your Chances of Getting a Training Contract

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe regularly get calls from graduates and paralegals wanting us to find them work or work experience and we give the same answer pretty much every time. You cannot phone recruitment agencies and expect them to find you meaningful employment if you do not have any experience and nothing to offer a potential employer. All…

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in Employers, Interviews, Job Applications

Taking Up References

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe decision to give references is sometimes quite complicated. Firms have requested references before second interviews, including requests to speak to current employers (!) and colleagues. Alternatively some firms ask for references prior to first interview. Others have waited until a solicitor has commenced work and two weeks later asked for a reference. Two incidents…

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in Changing Jobs, Interviews

Job Offers – how to decide

Reading Time: 3 minutesA recent dilemna arose for a solicitor looking to take a fairly senior post in the North of England. He had two offers, as well as an additional firm interested. One firm were very friendly, a reasonable size, good working conditions, excellent career prospects from the outset including possible partnership. Their location was not the…

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in Employers, Staying in Your Job

Work Life Balance

Reading Time: 2 minutesWork/Life Balance seems to become a particularly important issue once solicitors get to about 3 years PQE, and realise that there is life beyond work, and other issues such as rearing a family, paying a mortgage and buying a house come into play. The legal profession as a whole suffers from a poor attitude towards the…

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in Employers

Making Low Job Offers

Reading Time: 2 minutesSome firms seem very pleased at times when a candidate accepts an offer that is considerably below the market rate but we think this is a false economy. I can think of two firms in recent times who have been aware of a candidate’s limited geographical search area, or perhaps their requirement for supervision for…

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in Employers

How to be a Nice Boss at Christmas

Reading Time: 2 minutes1. Don’t throw things at your staff. Particularly the Law Society Conveyancing Handbook – it hurts! 2. Don’t get drunk at the Christmas party – this always leads to consequences remembered for decades afterwards. Whether this involves rambling incoherently about how useless one of your staff is, or some minor act of vandalism, your colleagues…

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in Job Applications

Is the Legal Job Market Cyclical?

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe notice whenever there is World Cup, a serious incident in world politics, Christmas Parties, Christmas shopping, New Years resolution season, NQ qualification season and so forth that the legal job market in a good year will suddenly get very busy or very quiet. The answer therefore is yes! The year always starts fairly slowly…

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