Ten Percent Legal Recruitment

in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question – did you enjoy university?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteInterview Question 36 Advice This again is a fairly simple question with a fairly straight forward answer to it. Remember at all times in interview you must stay positive. Failing to stay positive will result in firms unnecessarily considering you to have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts in interview indicates someone who may be overly critical…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question 34 – Describe your strongest and weakest colleagues – how do you cope with such diverse personalities?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a difficult question because it is asking you to in some way criticise work colleagues and to perhaps idolise other work colleagues. This is a question potentially loaded towards the interviewer as opposed to the interviewee. At its rawest form you could end up giving an answer that indicates to the interview…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question 33 – Describe the project or idea that you were most satisfied to sell to your management.

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAdvice This is another question where you need to have a stock of answers ready to be tailored according to the particular question that is put to you. This one gives you the chance to demonstrate something of quality that pushes your case with the company in relation to the role you are applying for…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question – Describe a time when you had a number of conflicting demands on your time and how you dealt with this.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question is quite an easy one, but it is important not to fall into the trap of giving a general answer instead of a specific one. The question has asked you to describe a time, not a circumstance that you regularly find yourself in. Try to think of a specific occasion when you…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answer – Describe a time when you failed to engage at the right level in your organisation. Why did you do that and how did you handle the situation?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a competency based interview question which again if you do not practice interview questions it is very unlikely you would be able to think of an answer on the spur of the moment. This needs to be one of the selection of scenarios you have stored in your head ready to use…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Interview Question & Answer 27 – Describe a situation where you had to change your approach half way through a project or task following new input into the project.

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice Another particularly difficult competency based question which will almost inevitably result in you needing to have an example in your head before you go into the interview that you are able to use. Without having something pre-prepared it is almost impossible to think about something that quickly when asked these types of questions, which…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – are you satisfied with your academic achievements to date?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question is often asked where an interviewer has identified that you have a specific weak point on your CV, for example you have a low grade at A Level or have a Third Class Degree. The question is designed to pick you up on whether you respond negatively or positively to this question.…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – demonstrate an understanding of organisational issues

Reading Time: < 1 minuteDemonstrate an understanding of underlying organisational issues. AdviceA very difficult question if you are not used to dealing with managerial speak! This is a question involving the STAR technique of firstly identifying the situation, secondly identifying a specific task, thirdly identifying your action as part of that task and finally confirming what the result was.…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Demonstrate how you vary your communication approach according to the audience that you are addressing?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question is probably more relevant to some professions and posts than others but in essence the answer has to be the same. You need to have at least 3 different examples of different types of audience you have had to speak to. For example a useful selection would be probably the workforce, the…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Can you give me evidence that you set yourself high personal standards?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a particular type of question where you need to have a number of examples of work you have undertaken in the past or present that can be tailored according to the question asked.  You need to think of specific examples where potentially you have completed a task well. However because this was…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Describe a project or situation where you had to use different leadership styles to reach your goal?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a question involving the STAR technique and another example of a question where you need to have specific projects and incidents stored in your brain ready to be adapted to answer these questions. The author of this article thinks that this approach to interviewing is not particularly good or effective.  The technique…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – describe a company you think is doing well or badly and explain why you think this is so?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice Preferably you will have been asked this question with just the well as opposed to the badly bit as it is a general rule in interviews that wherever possible you try to avoid any negative comment or thought about anything. It does make a difference to the perception of the interviewer if you focus…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Are you hoping for specialisation in a particular field. If so, why?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This is a loaded question and one you need to be very careful about answering.  If you are applying for a junior post, for example a training contract with a solicitors’ firm, you really should not be giving any indication at this stage of an interest to specialise in.  You simply do not know…

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in Careers Advice, Interviews

Legal Job Interview Question and Answer – Are you considering any other positions at the moment?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAdvice This question really depends on the circumstances of the interview. If you have been headhunted, are currently in employment and not particularly looking until you were approached then it would be perfectly acceptable to give a straightforward answer. If not, you need to consider your response very carefully. If you give an affirmative answer…

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